Turkey’s Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry
Opens its doors April 5th
- Automechanika Istanbul 2018 continues to grow: More exhibitors, more halls
- The fair renews itself: New exhibitors, new countries, and new product groups
Istanbul, the commercial and financial hub of the Turkish republic, is once again in the focus of the automotive industries: Automechanika Istanbul, the region's most comprehensive event for the automotive industry opens its doors from 09th to 12th of April, 2015, at the TUYAP Exhibition Center in Istanbul.
The Automechanika Istanbul fair once more opens with recordbreaking numbers this year: 1,667 exhibitors will occupy 14 halls on 40,516 sqm (2014: 34.791 sqm) of the exhibition center. 824 exhibitors come from Turkey while around 843 exhibitors come from abroad. "The Automechanika Brand Name stands for successful fairs for the world’s automotive supply industries. With 14 events around the world, Automechanika is the world’s leading trade fair for the automotive industry", explains Tayfun Yardım, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt Istanbul, the co-organizer of the fair.
"Automechanika Istanbul has become Eurasia’s most popular trade fair of its kind. It gathers the automotive industry of the OEM and Aftermarket, professionals at the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East and the Central Asia region. Today following Frankfurt and Shanghai, Automechanika Istanbul is the 3rd biggest trade fair for the automotive industry".
The 2015 edition of Automechanika Istanbul features a long list of novelties: The entire event has been restructured according to product groups, with several new sections such as: Lubricants, Tire, Batteries and Truck Competence. There are new countries in this year’s fair as Indonesia, Cyprus and Morocco. Many services are improved for the visitors: an advanced APP for easy navigation through the fair, a refined visitor registration system to minimize waiting time and an easier information system about the activities for the visitors on the fair guides.
Alexander Kühnel, General Manager of Hannover Fairs Turkey, explains: "Automechanika Istanbul shows significant growth in many ways. Turkey is among the top 5 countries in Europe showing a performance of producing over 1 million vehicles in the last 3 years. Being a part of this success makes us happy. Automechanika Istanbul, which has been organized for 9 years, is now held in April every year in accordance with the demand of the industry. Turkey is quite successful in production and Automechanika Istanbul contributes a lot to the success of exports. Last year, bringing 44,469 trade visitors from 123 countries, we succeded our role for Turkey's performance to reach the 2023 targets. In addition, in 2014 the fair was organized in 34,791 m² net area where 1,475 participants took place from 40 countries. This year, to increase these numbers we decided to organize the fair in 14 halls with 2 additional new halls. This year, having created a long waiting list of companies wishing to participate the fair is quite pleasing. We are expanding our efforts to move forward each year.”
Apart from individual exhibitors from all four corners of the globe, country pavilions from Morocco to China, 17 Pavilions will show best products from their national productions.
Following the same concept with all Automechanika events, products showcased at Automechanika Istanbul fall into one of these six:
Parts & Components: Powertrain, Chassis, Body, Standard Parts, Interior, Alternative Original Equipment Drive Units, Charging Accessories, Regenerated, Restored and Renewed Parts for Cars and Commercial Vehicles, Parts and Services for Vintage Vehicles, Industry Institutions and Publishers
Electronics & Systems: Engine Electronics, Vehicle Lighting, Electrical System, Driver Assistance Systems / Vehicle Safety, Comfort Electronics, Industry Institutions and Publishers
Accessories & Tuning: General Accessories for Motor Vehicles, Tuning, Club Sport, Performance Systems, Design Enhancement, Customizing, Infotainment, Special Vehicles, Equipment and Modifications, Alternative Drive Units, Wheel Rims, Tires, Tire Pressure Control Systems, Trailers for Cars and Small Commercials, Spare and Accessory Parts for Trailers, Industry Institutions and Publishers
Repair & Maintenance: Garage Equipment and Tools, Body Repairs, Paintwork and Corrosion Protection, Vehicle Bodies for Lightweight and Heavyweight Utility Vehicles, Caravans and Motorhomes, Towing Service, Accident Assistance, Mobile Services, Waste Disposal and Recycling, Dealership Equipment, Basic and Advance Training, Restoration and Maintenance of Vintage Vehicles, Industry Institutions and Publishers
IT & Management: Dealership Planning and Construction, Finance, Franchise Concepts, Claim Management and Claim Control, Dealer Management Systems, Garage Management, Dealership Marketing, Internet Service Providers and Vehicle Marts, Economic Regeneration, Cluster Initiatives, Mobility Concepts, Industry Institutions and Publishers
Service Station & Car Wash: Refuelling, Washing & Care, Oils and Lubricants, Charging Infrastructure, Industry Institutions and Publishers The credibility of Automechanika İstanbul is demonstrated by the support of a number of recognized industry associations includingAASA - Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association, APRA Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association, ASA – Federal Association of the Manufacturers and Importers of Automobile Service Equipment (Germany), EGEA - European Garage Equipment Association (Belgium), HDMA - Heavy Duty Manufacturers Alliance, MEMA - Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association, OAC - Overseas Automotive Council, TAYSAD - Association of Automotive Parts and Components Manufacturers in Turkey, OYPG - Independent Automotive Aftermarket Development Association of Turkey, ZDK - German Federation for Motor Trades and Repairs, TOBB - The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, KOSGEB- Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization