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Group Companies

Along with its German-based tradeshows and the associated services, Deutsche Messe and its subsidiaries offer traditional exhibitors at the Hannover exhibition center a host of opportunities to become involved in activities abroad, helping them to gain a foothold in selected growth markets and transact business there.

Subsidiaries at a Glance

Deutsche Messe Interactive GmbH
Founding Year: 2009
Business objective
Deutsche Messe Interactive GmbH (DMI) was founded in 2009 as a subsidiary of Deutsche Messe. DMI has exclusive access to databases of trade fair visitors of CeBIT, HANNOVER MESSE, LIGNA, BIOTECHNICA und DOMOTEX, including more than 3 million current B2B decision-makers.
DMI uses trendsetting online dialogue marketing services to generate relevant new B2B contacts for its customers based on this data, particularly for the areas of ICT, industry and logistics.
Furthermore, DMI realises trade-fair-related services, including extensive exhibitor presence on the event websites of Deutsche Messe AG as well as external customers.

Messe Gastronomie Hannover GmbH
Founding Year: 1959
Business activity
Messe Gastronomie Hannover GmbH is the catering and restaurant subsidiary of Deutsche Messe. Its company philosophy, "trade fair hospitality in Hannover", has become a symbol of quality firmly associated with Hannover's reputation as a leading trade fair center. Messe Gastronomie Hannover GmbH handles a great variety of catering requirements for events held at the exhibition center as well as other functions run by the Deutsche Messe Group.

Fachausstellungen Heckmann GmbH
Founding Year: 1928
Business activity
The company made a name for itself by organizing and running regional consumer fairs and special exhibitions. Apart from regional consumer exhibitions, Fachausstellungen Heckmann GmbH also organizes special exhibitions, events and conferences in Hannover, Bremen and Nuremberg.
www.heckmanngmbh.de (in German language)

Elektro-Messehaus Hannover GmbH
Founding Year: 1957
Business activity
Leasing its own exhibition halls and the "Elektro" open-air pavilion to Deutsche Messe.

Robotation Academy GmbH
Founding Year: 2009
Business objective
Industrial automation and robotics are in use in a growing number of industries and applications. The Robotation Academy and its 20 partners conduct training seminars and conferences year-round to introduce companies and industries to these fields or give them further training.
The events generally take place using equipment installed at the Robotation Academy, which features 19 industrial robots with a variety of designs and peripherals representing the full spectrum of electrical automation, including IT for manufacturing. Currently, the interaction of robotics, automation and IT is presented functionally on six demo facilities.
The Robotation Academy offers a unique setting in which to highlight technological equipment, components or topics in conjunction with a suitable event. The demo facilities can be put into operation and training sessions offered during any given event.
Moreover, as an event center located at the heart of the fairgrounds, the Robotation Academy offers an ideal environment for seminars, technical presentations congresses and conferences with up to 200 persons.

Event it AG
Founding Year: 2004
Facts and Figures
Founding year: 2004
Legal form: AG
Headquarter: Hannover
Further Offices: Berlin
Number of employees: 80
Business divisions: 4 Units
Board: Markus Scheele (Chairman), Marcus Eibach

The event it AG headquarter is located in Hannover. a further office is situated in Berlin. Starting in July 2011 the Deutsche Messe AG is shareholder of event it AG.
Due to our four operating units personnel, event, software and guest management we can offer our clients modern solutions and full-services for fairs and events and are specialized in individual concepts and implementation.
The passion of our team concentrates on the conception and implementation of creative, efficient and sustainable events. Thereby we focus on the synergy of innovative technology and personal engagement. Our systems and solutions foresee to incorporate newest technology and make the usable for clients. This technology is applied and implemented by people, who dedicate their heart and passion to a successful project planning and realization.

Analysis, conceptual design, planning and implementation, location research, artist booking, show concepts, room staging, event technique, catering, post processing and controlling.
Examples of event formats: Fair parties, fair events, gala events, public and corporate events, press events, product presentations, company parties and incentives.

Provision of hostesses, host, waiters, promoters, helping hands, personnel planning and supervision, conceptual design and planning of promotions and roadshows: Possible involvements at fairs, events or promotions: registration/CheckIn, fair stand support, product presenter, guest and VIP support, cloak room, logistics, shuttle services, bar- and catering services.

Event software and guest management
Web based fair stand software, up-to-date exhibitor and visitor ticket management, multi-lingual invitations and registration of fair target groups with individual registration pages, transfer of visitor data from the entrance tickets of the Deutsche Messe AG, online based lead tracking, lead management via smartphone or tablet, online administration of meetings and meeting rooms, coordination of employee stand services incl. presence overview, administration of accommodations, mobile registration on site: real time tracking of attendance and absence.
Further information: www.eventit.de

Spring Messe Management GmbH
Founding Year: 1998
Facts and Figures
Founded: 2012
Legal form: GmbH
Headquartered in: Mannheim
Number of employees: approx. 60
Management: Ralf Hocke
The spring Trade Fair Concept:
Spring Messe Management specializes on cost and time effective trade fair organizing for exhibitor’s. With our assistance, exhibitors and visitors interested in successful results may attend to their business at a branch and target orientated exhibition. The uniform format throughout Europe allows effective cross-selling and adds to the export potentials of exhibiting companies. Meet your customers and prospective clients personally for the price of an advertisement in a trade magazine.

Spring Messen are:

  • Compact, reliable and cost-efficient.
  • Specialized and focused on professional trade fair visitors with decision-making responsibilities.
  • Venue for specific industrial sectors.
  • Combiners of theory and practice at the practical forums during the exhibitions.
  • A cost-effective and successful supplement to large international trade fairs.


Hannover Fairs Turkey’s B2B Platform Recognized with Future of CIO & Awards Honor

DOMOTEX Turkey, the leading trade fair of the carpet and floor coverings industry, opens its doors

Press Release 15 May 2023 DOMOTEX Turkey will be held in Antalya in 2023

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