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About ConncetionDays


Connectiondays.com, is the new service of Hannover Fairs Turkey which is the subsidiary of exhibiton industry giant, Deutsche Messe A.G.!

Our new service; connectiondays.com is our digital event platform which is aimed to bring out the whole industry at one stop!

Hannover Fairs Turkey as the organizer of leading B2B trade fairs in the Eurasia region from 360 degree manufacturing industry to automotive industry, hvac-r to carpet and floor coverings, energy to aluminum technologies, in addition to our physical fairs, as Hannover Fairs

Turkey, we are now in service of sector professionals with our digital events and online conferences series under Connection Days brand.


Hannover Fairs Turkey’s B2B Platform Recognized with Future of CIO & Awards Honor

DOMOTEX Turkey, the leading trade fair of the carpet and floor coverings industry, opens its doors

Press Release 15 May 2023 DOMOTEX Turkey will be held in Antalya in 2023

Hannover Fairs Turkey eNewsletter

  • All the latest industry news and important dates
  • More services for your trade show visit
  • Exciting special promotions and select offers