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Compliance Statement

Deutsche Messe

Compliance Statement

Deutsche Messe AG is the operator of one of the world’s largest exhibition centers and the organizer of numerous international trade fairs. The events we stage are used by business and government for the purpose of mutually fruitful dialogue. Our trade fairs are industryspecific marketplaces for exhibitors and visitors from around the world. We also operate trade fairs outside of Germany as quality, professionally run showcases which enable our customers to access key growth markets around the world. We leverage our digital business portals to provide our customers with online marketing and sales channels.

As an international corporation and service provider, we are responsible to our employees and the people and organizations with whom we do business. We regard the ethical and legal con­ duct of our business as a core and inalienable part of our corporate culture.

This fundamental conception of our business activity gives rise to the principles and rules of conduct described below, to which we stand committed for the sake of our employees, our public-sector shareholders and our customers, suppliers and other business partners.

We are convinced that the success of our company hinges on having highly qualified and mo­ tivated employees with a strong commitment to professionalism. By receiving recognition in their work environment  and by being and feeling valued, each and every employee is able to approach his/her work with enthusiasm and to identify with the company and its values and objectives. This mindset is the cornerstone of responsible personal conduct and essential to the success of the company.

I.          Our Compliance Principles

In its capacity as an ambassador and "shop window" for Germany as an exporting nation, Deutsche Messe participates in the global economy and cooperates with other enterprises while at the same time competing with them. We have extensive dealings with government representatives in Germany and abroad, with representatives of business enterprises and reg­ ulatory bodies and with private individuals, service providers and suppliers. No matter how divergent and competing these interests may be, we are committed to pursuing our objectives exclusively through fair and free competition. In particular, we are committed to the following principles:

  1. Compliance with the Law and Social Responsibility

    We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and to being a worthy representa­ tive of our shareholders' and customers' interests in every country and sphere of business in which we operate. As a globally active corporation whose core business lies in generating publicity for itself and others, we have come to enjoy a high public profile. Given this unique position, it is only right and fitting that we should have in place policies and practices which are in conformity  with the law.

    This sense of ourselves and our role as a company with a strong international focus go hand­ in-hand with a deeply felt duty of respect, openness and tolerance toward all people of all cul­ tural backgrounds. The working conditions enjoyed by our employees are a reflection of the regard in which the latter are held. As a company bound by collective agreement with  repre­ sentatives of the state of Lower Saxony's metal industry, we believe that safeguarding and protecting employee rights is vital to our commercial success. We will not use any form of child or forced labor, nor do we condone any such practices on the part of the individuals or enterprises with whom we do business. We reject all forms of discrimination, particularly dis­ crimination based on ethnic origin, religious affiliation, gender, age, or sexual orientation. This applies to all of our dealings, both within and outside our organization.

    We value resource conservation and sustainable resource use, and we strive to minimize  the negative environmental  impacts of our business activities.

  2. Responsibility as Operator of an Exhibition Center and Organizer of Trade Fairs
    Our exhibition grounds and the exhibition halls located on them are the foundations on which our trades how operations are built. They are both the physical place where we stage our events and our "calling card" vis-a-vis our clientele. Every year, our exhibition grounds are visited by more than two million people from all around the world. The grounds directly in­ fluence the impressions that visitors and exhibitors take home with them, both of the events for which they come, of Hannover as the host city and of the state of Lower Saxony.

    It is therefore imperative that the entire site- including the Convention Center and buildings for administrative and technical support- complies with all applicable requirements and standards of building safety, fire safety, cleanliness and hygiene. We must ensure that no one suffers injury or harm at our trade fairs or otherwise while on the exhibition grounds. The rules and regulations which serve this purpose have top priority. This safety imperative applies both to our own events and to trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences operated on our exhibition grounds by third  parties. It encompasses the show days of these events and the associated set-up and takedown periods.

    We therefore take full ownership of and affirm  our responsibility as an exhibition center op­ erator and trade fair organizer to observe all laws and other rules designed to safeguard the physical safety and freedom from injury of exhibitors, visitors, service personnel and our own employees.

    This commitment applies to us worldwide in our capacity as an exhibition center operator and trade fair organizer.

  3. No Place for Corruption

    Deutsche Messe goes about its business exclusively by legitimate means. We reject all forms of unfair and dishonest conduct. Our employees must comply with all applicable anti-corrup­ tion laws and regulations. Officers, employees and representatives of our company are strictly prohibited from offering, granting, soliciting or accepting unlawful  benefits (offering or ac­ cepting bribes). This prohibition applies worldwide to all dealings with business partners and with particular force to all dealings with public officials and public servants, irrespective of the nation they represent. The business interests of the company do not under any circumstances warrant or justify bribery.

  4. Commitment to Free Competition {Antitrust Law}

    We reject any form of collusion with competitors that may potentially impair free competi­ tion. As a participant  in the global economy, Deutsche Messe is committed to the principles of free competition.

    German and international antitrust law prohibits all practices which restrict free trade and competition between businesses. Any form of collusion with competitors  on pricing or other terms of trades how participation or exhibition center hire are contrary to the principles of free competition and are therefore prohibited. The same applies to collusion on customer be­ havior, territorial allocations and any other concerted practices with competitors that restrict free competition.

    The sole function of the trade fair and exhibitor  advisory committees  set up by Deutsche Messe is to ensure that, in terms of their content and focus, our trade fairs continue to serve the interests of the industries which exhibit at them. Deutsche Messe is committed to ensur­ ing that its advisory committee  meetings are run in compliance with antitrust law and obliges the members of its trade fair and exhibitor advisory committees to conduct themselves in conformity with antitrust law during their meetings.

  5.  Data Protection and Data Security

    Deutsche Messe is committed to the observance of German and international laws and regu­ lations governing the handling of personal data and takes organizational, technical and legal measures to safeguard against unauthorized access to the personal and commercial data en­ trusted to it.

    We provide properly functioning and secure IT systems. As anchored in our corporate culture, our IT systems are intended to be used for the purpose of effectively preparing for, staging and following up on our events and internal procedures. Technical safeguards are in place and correctly used so as to prevent third parties from having unchecked influence over and access to our IT systems.


II.         Compliance Management  System

In order to promote and safeguard the Compliance Principles described above, Deutsche Messe AG has established a Compliance Management System. The system is modeled on a recognized standard (PS 980) developed by the Institute of German Public Accountants (IDW) and forms the basis for further  bodies of internal rules which, among other things, deal with corruption  prevention, antitrust compliance and event safety and security.

Deutsche Messe AG has appointed a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), who oversees the com­ pliance management organization, structures the rules and procedures for dealing with com­ pliance focus areas and, on that basis, formulates the specific compliance responsibilities of managers who work in compliance-relevant areas of the company.

The CCO is required to conduct regular audits to determine whether the in-house compliance guidelines and directives are being complied with. S/he schedules training courses that give company employees the knowledge and skills they need in order to be able to assess and meet the compliance requirements affecting their work areas. The ceo has a duty to report
compliance breaches to the Managing Board and, in special cases, directly to the chairperson of the Supervisory Board.

We welcome your ideas and improvement suggestions and look forward to your feedback.
Please can contact us on our direct compliance line: [email protected]

-The Managing Board-


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